Arris Blog
Dr Geoff Kew
Geoff has more than 30 years’ experience in soil conservation, soil survey and land evaluation in Australia and overseas. He has practical field skills in the management of wind, water and saline soils and has conducted soil surveys and land evaluation assessments for annual and permanent horticultural crops throughout Australia.
Geoff has investigated the strength, water retention and mineralogy of regolith remaining after bauxite mining in the Darling Range of Western Australia and advised Alcoa World Alumina on rehabilitation practices based on his research. He received for this work the 2008 C.G Stephens PhD Award from the Australian Soil Science Society.
Key skills include:
- Soil survey and land evaluation for irrigated horticultural and agricultural developments
- Field assessment of soil physical limitations to plant root growth and determination of readily and plant available waterholding capacity
- Presentation of technical reports, research and extension information to clients and the general public at seminars and field days
- Soil moisture monitoring equipment site selection, installation and interpretation based on soil profile description data
- Soil landscape mapping, land suitability and land capability assessments
- Soil monolith preparation for education and vineyard cellar door sale outlets
- Soil Science Australia
- CPSS (certified professional soil scientist accreditation)
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