Arris Blog
3 Steps to fresh content
It’s the challenge we all face; fresh, regular content updates on our website;
How do we keep our clients informed about our product or service? How do we keep our audience engaged?
In the past we’d put out newsletters every couple of months. Gathering stories as they occurred, editing, sourcing images and publishing when we had sufficient material to fill the required number of pages for print.
But that leads to news becoming ‘stale’ by the time it’s published with some content having to wait until there’s enough material to publish.
Best practice now is to publish news articles and updates on your website as they occur, with social media channels promoting that content. Viewers get to know that each time they visit, there’s new material, activity is always updated. You then have regular content to promote so that you can build recognition of your brand and build an audience.
STEP 1: Publish news articles!
Create news articles on your website to ensure regular, timely updates for visitors. This fresh content is viewed favourably by search engines and is deemed good SEO practice.
Uploading directly to the Content Management System of your website article content and images to be reviewed and edited by fellow staff members. By setting appropriate permissions, staff can read, edit or publish articles, depending upon their nominated level of access.
STEP 2: Automated email updates mean your subscribers never miss a thing.
A customised template lets you take control. Email updates can be completely automated, or you can manually select what content subscribers recieve and when.
Custom templates can be styled to ensure consistency with your organisations brand, and can be built to suit the level of automation that you require.
Frequent and regular distribution (once a week/fortnight), builds recognition and anticipation.
Don’t be concerned if you repeat stories, your audience likely are happy to be reminded/have missed it the first time.
Simply login to your email service (MailChimp, Campaign Monitor etc). Build a newsletter in your custom template and select which stories to send to your readers.
Emails highlight the latest news stories, as well as additional information and resources on your website.
Sending emails is a great opportunity to not only share your latest news, but also to highlight other valuable content on your website. When sending emails, you can direct visitors to other areas of the site and showcase different ways in which the site may be useful for your target audience.
eNewsletters are a great way to share event details – giving your audience plenty of time to register.
For complete automation, an RSS template will send emails when a new story is uploaded – or as a daily, weekly or monthly summary of recent articles.
STEP 3: Don’t forget to be social!
Now that you’re regularly updating your website’s news and events sections, you have content to promote.
Social media channels give you the context to promote your content with different tone and perspective.
These channels also present the opportunity to repeat postings, to get the most exposure. You’re able to highlight different aspects of each story as well as post at optimum times of the day or week.
Using social media dashboards, you can leverage your online content and build your following.
Dashboards such as Hootsuite or Buffer provide tools to schedule as well as measure social media analytics, so you can track how you’re going. You can also target specific segments of your audience or tailor your content for your social media followers.
There are lots of tools available to manage and get the best of the content you generate. You likely have some already in place, strategic use of those tools in a coordinated way may give you that competitive advantage.
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