The Arris team collaboratively deliver a wide range of projects for a variety of clients. For a more detailed summary of the projects below and other projects, you can download the list of consulting projects here.
Some recent examples of the diverse projects completed successfully by Arris include:
Current from 2014: Ozone research with VEK Environmental
Current from 2013: Management and research of CSG water for Westside Corporation
Current from 2009: Wastewater treatment and potable water consulting for the Woodfordia site
Current from 2007: Wastewater treatment and potable water treatment for Sunrise at 1770
- 2015/2016: Consultancy for Glencore Coal at Collinsville
- 2015/2016: Federal Department of Environment: Review of the Livestock Drinking Water Guidelines
- 2015/2016: WestSide Corporation Water Treatment Plant Expansion
- 2015/2016: Rhizopod Research Project for Cold Weather Environments
- 2015/2016/ WestSide Corporation: CSG Dam Rehabilitation
- 2015/2016: WestSide Corporation: Environmental Monitoring for CSG Projects
- 2015: Construction for Duaringa Station
- 2015: Construction for Karinya Cattle Station
- 2015: Rockhampton Jockey Club: Recycled Water Irrigation Consultancy
- 2015: Discovery Coast Seafood On-site Wastewater Treatment and Dispersal System
- 2015: Rhizopod system for the Livingstone Shire Council
- 2014-2015: Management of Mine Water treatment; including Pit Water, Potable Water, and Wastewater for Glencore
- 2014: Construction for Duaringa Station
- 2014: Construction for The Wyche
- 2014: Construction at the Bororen Hotel
- 2014: Sand and Mixed Media filter Retrofit at a Decentralised Community
- 2013: 2014: Stormwater project for Flinders Ports
- 2013: Doubling of the Woodfordia Potable System to manage festival growth and fire-fighting capacity
- 2013: Decentralised wastewater treatment management plan for Discovery Coast Seafoods
- 2013: Doubling of the Woodfordia Potable System to manage festival growth and fire-fighting capacity
- 2012: Development of a Code of Practice for the use of water treatment residues as a structural soil enhancer; SPACE Down Under.
- 2012: Building strong and resilient ecosystems: Revegetation of a semi-arid environment; Department of the Environment.
- 2000: Current: Virginia Pipeline Scheme irrigation management plan monitoring report to the EPA; Water Reticulation Services Virginia.
- 2013 – 2014: Small Business Innovation Research Grant: The recovery of phosphorus from treated wastewater; SA Water.
- 2013 – 2014: Report on the survey of Murray Mallee Potato Growers on changes in soil and crop management practices since 2004: Includes items for consideration for future R&D directions; Potatoes SA.
- 2013 – 2014: Preparation of the Development Approval for the proposed Sundrop Farms greenhouse project, Port Augusta; Sundrop Farms.
- 2013 – 2014: Site assessment and report to address outstanding environmental reporting issues including options for SAR reduction in wastewater; Teys Australia.
- 2012 – 2013: Assess the impact to soil on the Northern Adelaide Plains after 14 years of irrigation with Class A recycled water; Virginia Irrigation Association.
- 2012: Bunyip Food Belt: Customer and water demand analysis; ;Cardinia Shire Council.
- 2012: Preliminary land suitability assessment for irrigation land purchase; Westside.
- 2012: Sunbury soil and landscape assessment; MWH.
- 2011: Non-Urban Meter Installation and Maintenance certification training; Irrigation Australia Ltd.
- 2010 – 2011: Salinity Management Interpretation Guide; SA Central Wine Regions.
- 2010: Review of Recycled Water Opportunities in the Warrnambool Region; Wannon Water.
- 2010: Greenhill Road Streetscape; TreeNet.
- 2009 – 2012: ‘Training to Grow Your Business’ training program on the Northern Adelaide Plains, SA. – Cert IV/Diploma in Production Horticulture for Vietnamese and Cambodian protected cropping vegetables growers; Horticulture Australia Ltd (HAL), Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF), and Agrifood Skills Australia.
- 2009 – 2010: Position Paper – Beneficial Use of Reclaimed Water for Agriculture; ActewAGL.
- 2009: Review of Smart Water Meter Technology; Coliban Water.
- 2009: Explore potential reuse options for dialysis reject water for North West Dialysis Service; Melbourne Health and Smart Water Fund Project.
- 2009: Communication of options for sustainable use of greywater around the household; GreySmart: A Smart Water Fund project.
- 2009: Position paper – Long-term effects of recycled effluent use of Canberra’s open spaces; ActewAGL.
- 2009: Reuse options for Reject Stream from Reverse Osmosis in Healthcare facilities; North West Dialysis Service (Melbourne).
- 2009: Quantitative risk assessment for land application of biosolids; Melbourne Water.
- 2008 – 2009: Agronomy Advantage Technical Manual; Incitec Pivot.
- 2008 – 2009: Quantitative risk assessment for recycling of effluent water from the Eastern and Western Treatment Plant; Melbourne Water.
- 2008: Land Capability Assessment and Environment Improvement Plan (EIP) for Use of Class B recycled water for irrigation of the playing field at Mt Lilydale Mercy College (MLMC).
- 2008: Requirements for rainwater and greywater systems in Australia, Master Plumber and Mechanical Services Association of Australia (MPMSAA) for the National Water Commission and Standards Australia; Canberra.
- 2008: Rainwater Tank Design and Installation Handbook for Standards Australia in conjunction with Master Plumbers and Mechanical Services Association of Australia (MPMSAA) and the Australian Rainwater Industry Development Association (ARID) funded by the National Water Commission, Sydney.
- 2008: Land Capability Assessment for the Manly Golf Course, LM Graham Reserve and Keirle Park; Sydney Water, NSW, Sydney.
- 2008: Consultation for development of Stage 2 of the Australian Guidelines on Water Recycling (Managed Aquifer Recharge and Stormwater); National Environmental Protection Council.
- 2008: South Australian Potato Industry Training Needs Analysis; South Australian Potato Industry Trust.
- 2007: present: Australian Vegetable Industry Soil and Land Management Knowledge Exchange; Horticulture Australia Ltd (HAL).
- 2007 – 2009: Quantitative risk assessment for land application of biosolids; Melbourne Water.
- 2007 – 2008: Consultation for development of Stage 2 of the Australian Guidelines on Water Recycling (Managed Aquifer Recharge and Stormwater); National Environmental Protection Council.
- 2007: West Werribee Dual Water Supply Scheme (WWDWSS): A land capability assessment with recycled water from the Western Treatment Plant (NO SALT Removal). City West Water.
- 2007: Healthy Soils for Sustainable Vegetable Farms: Ute Guide, AUSVEG
- 2007: Physical Audits for the Australian Spa Association; an ASPA Water Wise Project.
- 2007 Fluid Fertilisers: A South Australian Manual; Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) & Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC).
- 2007: Agronomic Recommendation and Environmental Risk Assessment (ARERA) for the recycled water facilities at the north wastewater treatment plant Broome, Western Australia. Part 2 – Environmental Risk Assessment; Water Corporation, Western Australia.
- 2005 – 2008: Coordination and Scientific Services for Environmental Risk Component of the National Guidelines on Water Recycling; National Environmental Protection Council.
- 2005 – 2006: Biosolids Community Engagement Project. Coordinator of the Steering Group to form the Australasian Biosolids Partnership; Water Services Association of Australia and VicWater.
- 2005: Werribee Irrigation District Productivity Assessment: Proposed salt reduction plant for the supply of recycled water from the Western Treatment Plant Working Paper 2.4; Melbourne Water.
- 2005: Department of State Development & Innovation & Enhance Management Group (2005) Lockyer Valley Water Reliability Project — Market Research, Queensland Government.
- 2004: Provision of market/feasibility study for recycled water use in the Perth area; Water Corporation & Earth Tech.
- 2003 – 2007: Coordinator for Recycled Water Development in Horticulture; Horticulture Australia Ltd (HAL).
- 2003: Berri Waste Water Reuse consultancy; Riverland Development Corporation.
- 2002: Crop trials with recycled water at the Western Treatment Plant; Melbourne Water.
- 2002: A First Approximation of the Shallow Aquifer (Water Table) Water Balances on the Northern Adelaide Plains; Northern Adelaide and Barossa Valley Catchment Water Management Board.
- 2002: Virginia Pipeline Scheme Irrigation Management Plan: Soil Monitoring and User Education; Water Reticulation Services (Virginia, SA).
- 2001 – 2009: Vegetable Industry Communication and Development for Victoria and New South Wales; funded by Horticulture Australia, managed by Arris.
- 2001 – 2009: Australian Coordinator for Recycled Water use in Horticulture (ACRWH) (; a Horticulture Australian project, managed by Arris. The project assists with the adoption and use of recycled water in horticulture across Australia. This also includes responsibility for producing the quarterly publication ‘ReWater’ which is available from the website, operating since 2004.
- 2001: Wastewater reuse from Ballarat North plant: a review of current reports assessing the viability of waste water reuse, Fisher Stewart.